****Disclaimer**** This product was given to me for free to test out and provide my honest review. I would never promote products that I do not believe in 100%. You can count on my honest opinions on all products listed in any of my pieces. Thank you.

CTFO 1500 10x Pure Full Spectrum CBD Oil Drops.

10xPure Full Spectrum CBD Oil Drops – 1500mg

I have been taking CBD, in oil or capsule form, for a while. Eventually, I ran out and just haven’t bought any. When I saw a free trial and all I had to do was provide a review after, I jumped on it! I picked the highest dose possible since we are familiar with CBD and I anxiously waited for it.

My husband and I had just started lifting again for a week and we were sore! When it came, we were super excited to try this new company out.

Packaging: I liked the packaging, especially since it comes with a list of where the batch was tested.  It made me feel more confident taking this product. There was also a brochure with all the CTFO Products.

Dosage: 10-20 drops 2 times a day. I chose to take one dose in the morning once a day. I am getting older and I wake up sometimes with some aches and pains. I figured that this would help kind of take the morning edge off and prepare me for my day.

My husband started with 20 drops, sometimes twice a day. He’s bigger and taller than me, so we figured he’d need more. He also suffers from aches and pains when he wakes up in the morning and was rear-ended on the highway years ago.Pain Relief Product Package - $20 Savings!

First Taste: It was… interesting. It’s not something that I would want to taste all the time. It’s like a light minty oil. You’re supposed to put the drops under your tongue and let them adsorb for a little bit. I like oil on bread but not under my tongue by itself. It wasn’t bad or anything, but my husband and I agreed it was a new sensation.MemoryWorks® <br> Leadership Pack <br> Preferred <br> 16 Box Order

How we felt: Initially I think I just wanted to feel so much better, so I believed that I did. I was calmer when dealing with my kids, my back pain didn’t seem to bother me as much, I generally felt better overall. I continued to use this product for 3 weeks. I took a dose in the morning to help with my morning stiffness. I feel like it does help. I sometimes take a dose around dinner if I am having a long, rough day. I sit at a computer all day and I tend to hunch over by the end of the day, so my upper back and neck sometimes bother me, especially if it’s been a stressful day at work. On these days I will take another dose in the evening and stretch my back a little bit. It seems to help take the edge off.

My husband felt alright, but maybe he just had too much going on at the same time. It didn’t hurt anything, but it didn’t help as much as he wanted. He also didn’t stay on the oil as long as I did because he got sick (completely unrelated).Beauty Product Package - $25 Savings!

Would I recommend this product? If you like oils, then yes. I think I prefer the capsules to the oil. I just don’t seem to be a fan of the oil taste and the way it makes my mouth feel. If you are looking for a CBD oil to try, I’d recommend this. It’s a really high-quality product, and you can tell a lot of care was put into it.

I will try the capsules next time and maybe something from their skin care line.

If you would like to purchase please use this link:


20 thoughts on “CBD REVIEW

  1. Thank you for sharing! I have read so many wonderful results with CBD oil, my integrative doctor actually prescribed it to help w some of my chronic issues, especially neurological. I’ve tried various brands. Unfortunately I haven’t had luck with it at all, which is disappointing to me. with that said, I completely beleive in CBD oil. My doctor explained thoroughly how and why it works (not that I could do that lol) maybe its time for me to give it another try!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This was a really interesting read! I’ve been uhming and ahhing about trying out CBD oil but I think I might finally take the plunge! Thanks for sharing your experiences. xx
    El // Welsh Wanderer

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Really helpful review. I see ads for CBD oil all the time, but I didn’t know how to take it or what it actually did. This may be something I will try to help with my aches, but I will take your advice and go for the capsules. I don’t think I’d like that oil taste either.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for such an honest review. I haven’t tried any CBD oils, but I have been curious because there are several new stores where I live. I have wondered if it might help with my hip pain or my anxiety. I may have to try some.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Cool. I’ll be checking out your blog. I’ve never tried CBD. I blogged about it for my clients. Stop by my blog if you have the time and check out the product I’ve promoted called CBD pure. Have you heard of it? If so do you think it’s a good product? And what CBD products would you recommend? My blog is Better Health and Weight Loss.

      Thanks for your time.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow. Insightful. Thanks for posting this. I’ve been considering CBD and imagine results from products will be different. Are you alright with me sharing this information on my blog ‘Better Health and Weight Loss’ ?

    Thanks for your time and consideration

    Liked by 1 person

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