Weekend plans and February Goals

Happy Weekend! What are you’re plans?
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My daughter wanted to have a sleep over with a couple girlfriends so I suggested we use some of my hotel points and get a room so they can swim and we can order food and rent a movie and we’d sleep over there. My daughter loved that idea and so now we are having a small party with some school friends.
Image result for girls sleepover"
I’m going to take Bel tomorrow to get snacks for the room and check in is at 3. I think there are going to be about 12-15 people but only the 3 girls and me will be sleeping over. It should be fun.
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Sunday is the super bowl. It doesn’t start until 6:30 though and I will probably be sleeping by the end of it. During the day we are going to a friends house to hang out and then home to get ready for the work and school week. I really wish we had 3 day weekends. I feel like the weekends FLY. I can’t believe that it’s the end of January already!
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Happy February!!
January was a pretty chill month. I promoted some. I was really trying to push my books and I still have no idea what to do and where to go. I just feel like time is flying by.
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For February my goals are pretty much the same. I want to keep consistent on my blog. Post 2-3 times per week. I will continue reading and supporting other bloggers.
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At this point it’s been over a year of blogging and I am really happy with my progress. I am not making any money off it and that’s okay. I like doing my reviews and writing about what I want to write about. It makes me happy.
How about you?? What are your goals for February?

12 thoughts on “Weekend plans and February Goals

  1. I would love to be in America to experience Super Bowl weekend, maybe next year I will try. Superbowl falls on my birthday this year.
    Have a wonderful weekend and I hope you achieve your goals!
    The Sacred Space AP


  2. That party sounds like so much fun! I love your goals for February! I am hoping to continue being consistant with my blogging. I have a great series going that I am really enjoying! February is a busy month in my house with lots of swim events!


  3. A hotel room sounds like so much fun! I like renting hotel rooms sometimes just to get away from everything. It sounds like you ladies had fun, I love how you played it.


  4. The party sounds like so much fun! Good luck with your February goals I am sure you will smash them. I can’t wait to read more posts.


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