I am so tired.

I forgot about puppy training. When we adopted Max two years ago, he was pretty much crate trained already. He wasn’t house trained but I didn’t mind teaching him to go outside. Max would actually put himself to bed in the Crate when he was tired. Image result for german shepherd puppy in a crate free image
(***Not Luna, free image on google***)
Luna is NOT crate trained. She was adopted from a farm and I assume she doesn’t understand why she’s the only one in a crate overnight. It’s because she needs to be trained still and she likes to chew and I don’t trust her to not pee everywhere while eating all my furniture. So she is crated at night and when we are out. My husband walks them in the morning, on lunch and at night. We are fencing the back yard this weekend so we can let them out to run around too now that it’s getting nicer out.Image result for sleepy cartoon lady at work free image
So I am exhausted because Baby Luna cried a lot last night. My husband got up at 4 AM and took her for a walk in hopes that it would help her sleep for a few hours. It seemed to help. We got a combined total of about 3 hours. We’ll get there. I just forgot about this whole part. Image result for coffee more free image
I was going to write about spring today, but that might have to wait till later in the week. I am also going to put something together about our surprise trip to Great Wolf Lodge in Pennsylvania next week. That’s coming up too. For now, it’s coffee and lots of it, all day. Happy Tuesday!

7 thoughts on “I am so tired.

  1. Completely understand, we got a puppy 4 months ago and the first week was a mess. We’ve never had before a pet, so image that. Anyways now we’re still learning how to deal with a puppy, but it’s been a good journey so far! Thanks for sharing! 🙌🏻

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  2. It’s like having a baby! She’ll get used to it in no time. I just love her name, and once the garden is fenced she’ll run herself ragged and will sleep all night and mom will get some sleep too! Sending you virtual hugs! You’ve got this ! X

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